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the contrast, a repose for their own ill-humor, and the latter a protection against their own weakness. Buckingham and Bragelonne, admitting De Guiche into their friendship, joined, in concert with him, the praises of the princess during the whole of the journey. Bragelonne had, however, insisted that their three voices should be in concert, instead of singing in solo parts, as De Guiche and his rival seemed to have acquired a dangerous habit of doing. This style of harmony pleased the queen-mother exceedingly, but it was not, perhaps, so agreeable to the young princess, who was an incarnation of coquetry, and who, without any fear as far as her own voice was concerned, sought opportunities of so perilously distinguishing herself. She possessed one of those fearless and incautious dispositions which find gratification in an excess of sensitiveness of feeling, and for whom, also, danger has a certain fascination. And so her glances, her smiles, her toilet, an inexhaustible armory of weapons of offense, were showered down upon the three young men with overwhelming force; and from her well-stored arsenal issued glances, kindly recognitions, and a thousand other little charming attentions which were intended to strike at long range the gentlemen who formed the escort, the townspeople, the officers of the different cities she passed through, pages, populace, and servants; it was wholesale slaughter, a general devastation. By the time madame arrived at Paris, she had reduced to slavery about a hundred thousand lovers, and brought in her train to Paris half a dozen men who were almost mad about her, and two who were quite out of their minds. Raoul was the only person who divined the power of this woman's attraction, and, as his heart was already engaged, he arrived in the capital full of indifference and distrust. Occasionally, during the journey, he conversed with the Queen of England respecting the power of fascination which madame possessed, and the mother, whom so many misfortunes and deceptions had taught experience, replied:

"Henrietta was sure to be illustrious in one way or another, whether born in a palace or born in obscurity; for she is a woman of great imagination, capricious, and self-willed."

De Wardes and Manicamp, in their character of couriers, had announced the princess' arrival. The procession was met at Nanterre by a brilliant escort of cavaliers and carriages. It was Monsieur himself, who, followed by the Chevalier de Lorraine and by his favorites, the latter being