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    • A very embarrassing state of tilings, truly," said De

Wardes; "spend as much as Buckingham; there is only nine hundred and forty thousand francs difference." "Where am I to find them?" "Get into debt." "I am so already." "A greater reason for getting further." Advice like this resulted in De Guiclie becoming excited to such an extent that he committed extravagances where Buckingham only incurred expenses. The rumor of this extravagant profuseness delighted the hearts of all the shop- keepers in Paris; from the hotel of the Duke of Bucking- ham to that of the Com.te de Grammont nothing but won- ders was dreamed of. While all this was going on madame was resting herself, and Bragelonne was engaged in writing to Mile, de la Valliere. He had already dispatched four letters, and not an answer to any one of them had been re- ceived, when, on the very morning fixed for the marriage ceremony, which was to take place in the chapel at the Palais Royal, Eaoul, who was dressing, heard his valet an- nounce M. de Malicorne. "What can this Malicorne want with me?" thought Raoul; and then said to his valet, "Let him wait." "It is a gentleman from Blois," said the valet. "Admit him at once," said Eaoul eagerly. Malicorne entered as brilliant as a star, and wearing a superb sword at his side. After having saluted Eaoul most gracefully, he said: "Monsieur de Bragelonne, I am the bearer of a thousand compliments from a lady to you." Eaoul colored. "From a lady," said he — "from a lady of Blois?" "Yes, monsieur; from Mademoiselle de Montalais." "Thank you, monsieur; I recollect you now," said Eaoul.

  • 'And what does Mademoiselle de Montalais require of me?"

Malicorne drew four letters from his pocket, which he offered to Eaoul. "My own letters! is it possible?" he said, turning pale; "my letters, and the seals unbroken?" "Monsieur, your letters did not find, at Blois, the person to whom they were addressed, and so they are now returned to you." "Mademoiselle de la Yalliere has left Blois, then?" ex- claimed Eaoul. "Eight days ago."