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Stute THE SPALDING QUALITY No. 12. This machine, especially de- signed for home exercise, will be found high grade in every particular. Cast iron parts are all nicely japanned. The wheels are iron, turned true on centers, and have hardened, steel cone point bearings. The guide rods are spring steel, copper-plated. The weight car- riage has removable felt bushings, noiseless and durable. Each handle is equipped with 10 pounds of weights. Clh©stt WengS^t H®. 2 No. 2. A good machine for home use. Well made and easy running. Rods are'Vi-inch coppered spring steel. Bear- ings are hardened steel cone points running in soft, gray iron, noiseless and durable. Weight carriage packed with felt, good for long wear, but easily removed and replaced when necessary without the use of glue or yedges of any kind. Weight carriage strikes on rubber bumpers. Weights are 5-pound iron dumb bells, one to each carriage, and may be removed and used as dumb bells. Wall and floorboards are hard wood, nicely finished and stained. All castings heavily japanned. Every part of machine guaranteed free of defect. Chest Weight No. 2 illustrations show movements with above type of machine, with notes as to corrective effects. Complete course of exercises given in Spalding's Athletic Library, No. 161, "Ten Minutes Exercise for Busy Men," by Luther Halsey Gulick, M.D. Price 10 cents. Elxercise No. 3 (see cut). Strengthens back, upper arm and upper back. Especially good in correcting round shoulders and flat chest. Exercise No. 4 (see cut). Strengthens all waist muscles, aids digestion, corrects constipation, develops hips. Exercise No. 5 (see cut). Corrects round should- ers and flat chest, develops whole back arm. Exercise No. 6 (see cut). Aids digestion, cor- rects constipation, reduces size of abdomen. i» i PROMPT AHENTION GIVEN TO I ANY COMMUNICATIONS AOORESSEO TO US A. G.SPALDING & BROS. STORES IN ALL LARSE CITIES FOR COMPLETE LIST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER OF THIS BOOK 'Prices in ejjed July 5, 1913. Subject to change without notice. For Canadian prices see special Canadian Catalogue.