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SmETHE SPALDING 'FAILDHMQ FlGMTHHO DUMMIES I Patented March 22, 1910 ; October 31. 191 1 ^ o A very popular piece of exercis- ing apparatus, consisting of an inflated figure covered with heavy brown canvas, mounted on a hidden steel frame, and fastened (removably) to a heavy bowl shaped iron base. Trains the eye, keeps the mind occu- pied, and will bring into play the muscles actually needing development for everyday use. A number of persons, by standing in a circle, may use the one dummy. No. 1. Full size dummy, for men's use. . . Each, $50.00 No. 2. Medium size dummy, for boys up to 16 years, and for ladies' use Each, $25.00 No. 3. Small size dummy, for young boys and girls Each, $15.00 Ruslblb©s= Bladders No. 1-0. Full size to fit No. 1 dummy. Each, $6.00 No.2-0. Medium size, to fit No. 2 dummy Each, $5.50 No. 3-0. Small size, to fit No. 3 dummy. Each, $5.00 ? i We issue a special Catalogue devoted to our line of Elquipment for Outdoor Playgrounds. Copy of this Catalogue will be sent on request to interested parties. Correspondence is solicited with School Committees, Boards of Education and those who control Public Playgrounds. "^ PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO] ANY COMMUNICATIONS ADDBESSEDTOUS A.G.SPALDING &, BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOR COMPLETE LIST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER OF THIS BOOH "Plktt (n effcft July 5, 1913^ Subjcd lo changt leithoul noUca. For Canadian prka tet special Canadian Catalogue.