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ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE THE SPALDING (l iiTRADE-MARK 'ZZf SPALDING'S NEW ATHLETIC GOODS CATALOGUE The following selection of items from Spalding's latest Catalogue will give an idea of the great variety of ATHLETIC GOODS manufactured by A. G. SPALDING & BROS. /.• /.• SEND FOR A FREE COPY. SEE UST OF ■Xnkle Brace. Skate Ankle Supporter Athletic Library Attachments. Chest Weight Caddy Sinking Skate Balls- Base Basket Field Hockey Fool. College Foot, Rugby Foot, Soccer Coif Hand Hurley Indoor Base Medicine Playground Polo. Roller Polo, Water Push Squash Volley Ball Cleaner. Golf Bandages, Elastic Bar Bells Bar Stalls Bars- Horizontal Parallel Bases, Indoor Bats, Indoor Belts- Dastic Leather and Worsted Wrestling Bladders- Basket Ball Fighting Dummy Foot Ball Striking Bag Blades. Fencing Blankets, Foot Ball SPALDING STORES ON INSIDE FRONT COVER OF THIS BOOK Lacrosse Outing Skull University Water Polo Chest Weights Grde, Seven-Foot Clock Golf Collarette. Knitted Corks, Running Cross Bars, Vaulting Discus, Olympic Discs- Marking, Golf Rubber. Goli Shoe Disks, Sinking Bag .Dumb Bells Embl. En Ex Ela Ho. Felt Letters Fencing Sticks Fighting Dummies Finger Protection, Hockey Flags- College Marking. Golf Foils, Fencing Foot BalTs- Association College Rugbv Foot Ball Clothing Foot Ball Goal Nets Foot Ball Timer Fencing Golf - . Hand Ball Hockey, Field Hockey, Ice Lacrosse Goals- Basket Ball Foot Ball Hockey, Field Hockey, Ice Lacrosse Golf Clubs Golf Sundries Golfette Grips- Athletic Golf Gymnasium, Home -Gymnasium Board, Hon. Gymnasium, Home Outfits Hammers, Athletic Hangers for Dumb Bells Hangers for Indian Clubs Hats. University Head Harness Health Pull Hob Nails Hockey Pucks Hockey Sticks, Ice Hockey Sticks, Field Holder, Basket Ball, Canvas) Hole Cutter, Golf Hole Rim, Golf Horse, Vaulting Hurdles. Safety Hurley Sticks Indian Clubs Inflaters- Fool Ball Sinking Bag Jackets- Fencing Foot BaU Javelins Lace. Foot Ball Lacrosse Goods Ladies'- Gymnasium Shoes Gymnasium Suits Skates, Ice Skates, Roller Skating Shoes Snow Shoes Lanes for Sprints Leg Guards- Foot Ball Ice Hockey Leotards Letters- Embroidered Felt Liniment, "Mike Murphy" Masks- Fencing No.e Masseur. AfiJominaf Mattresses. Gymnasium Mattresses, Wrestling Megaphones Milts- Handball Striking Bag Moccasins Monograms Mouthpiece, Fool Ball Mufflers, Angora Needle, Lacing Nets- Basket Ball Golf Driving Volley Ball Numbers, Competilo bamois, Fe Pads- Cba Fooll Wrestling Paint, Golf Pants- Basket Ball Boys" Knee Fool Ball, College Foot Ball. Rugby Hockey. Ice Pennants. College Pistol. Starter's Plastrons. Fencing Plate-- Golf 'fattorms. Striking Bag Ski Vaulting Polo. Roller. Goods Protectors — Abdomen Eyeglass Finger, Field Hockey Indoor Base Ball Knee Thumb, Basket Ball Protection, Running Shoe Pucks. Hockey, Ice Push Ball Pushers, Chamois Quoits . Racks, Golf Ball Racquet, Squash FCapiers.- Fencing Referee's WhisJe Rings- EJtercising . Swinging Rowing Machines Sacks, for Sack Racin Saiidals, Snow Shoe Sandow Dumb Bells Scabbards, Skate Score Books- Basket Ball Shin Guards- As Ice Hockey Shirts- Athletic Rubber, Reducing ShoK^"^ Acrobatic Basket BaU Bowling Clog Fencing SKoes- Foot Ball, College Fool Ball, Rugby Foot B2ill, Soccer Golf Gymnasium Jumping Skating Snow Squash Street . Walking Shot- Athletic Indoor Massage Skates- Ice Roller Skate Bag Skate Keys Skate Rollers Skate Straps Skate Sundries Skis Snow Shoes Sprint Lanes Squash Goods Standards- Vaulting Volley BaU Straps^ For'Thfee-Legged Raca . Skate .^ Sticks, RoUer Polo Stockings Slop Boards Striking Bags Base Ball, Indoor Gymnasium, Ladie*' Soccer Swimming Water Polo Supporters — Ankle Wrist Suspensories Swivels, Striking Bag* Swords. Fencing Swords, Duelling Tackling Machine Take-Off Board Tape, Measuring, Ste«l Tees, Golf Tennis Posts, Indoor Tights- Full Full. Wrestling Hockey Toboggans Toboggan Cushiona Toe Boards Toques Trapeze. Adjustable Trapeze, Single Trousers— Y. M. C. A. Foot Ball Trunks- Velvet Worsted Base BaD. bdo Wands, Calisthenlc Watches, Stop Weights, 36-lb. WhisUes Wrestling Equipmea Wrist Machine* PBOMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO I ANY COMMUNICATIONS ADDBESSED TO US A. G.SPALDING & BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES ^ricea In effect Juty 5, I9IS. Sukfecl to cJumgc wilhoul no&c Fo^nadJ^^lh!^^^^^C<wadian Catalogue.