Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/106

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TE RR.;E-F ILIUS. N o XIII, Maxima q:?.?ue damns Sz?tv?s eft ple? fuperbig Jtl?, 4Sbte{,4 A VlN G in my Ia? ?r, given rome ? ? account of the tev=?d ?ulls of colleges,

  • H*

. ? I proc?d meth?ica]ly, in this. to th?r ?? F?T=?, who ?e the next ?and?s of the unive?ty, or, m cagy on the the derks m the Oxford direhots. It is ?cu?r to thel? l?m? heM-?ieces to ?ew mo? reft, and give more encouragement to their ?iiykgneb, t?n to their fludents or felbws,which, I fup?}, t&y do, t?t the f?ipture ( of which al- fo they are t? Dm?cxo. s } may be fulfll?, which flys, ?e th? is l? a?gfl you a& t? fame Fat? Wi?a? ? ?ver ?tter pleas'd than when he i? drinking a ?Ie md talking over matters with Mr. j o. ?, Ns Mm, who I mu? conffe? d? is a v? ?nt? we]-br? ?ffon, and ?t his n?kcloth with as froart an air as Mr. ?kj. Fat? Wi?i?, to ?ew ?s kindneff to Mr, Jo?., ? made him m?c0? of his co?ege, a fine- ? ?rth twm? ?unds a y?r, which is more t? m! of t? j?iors make oF their Some