Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/111

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s o xx v. Terrte..Eliur. 7 a ?hilo.fopher, or a fiilor: but at length birth-right: prevailing, I was tint to Oxford? pholar of a colo /ege, and my elder brother a cab?,:n4oy to the TE R R�-F ILI U 13. N O XIV'. i m?nt to ?rote?t and ?courage fi'i?n&, i.q a maxim which ?ax pre- ysi'd in all wi? nation,. It i? founde? on re.on and ?liey, . well bundan[ly eon?rm? by the e?perimm 0? the eonm?y pra&?, wNeh h. con?tly end? in the immNent dmg?, if not in the total delrue. ti0n o? ?ofe fu?t?l fl?t?n, who ?vg put in ?ecution. We ought in e?y to fup?fe, tht all nors, whaSev? this or ?hat ? may think of them, efi?m themfelve? ufi and lawful vernm?': I do not m?n wiol?t ?furp?n, or ?rei? (who ?nnot pretend to exercife a ju? government) but only fueh ? m'e cali'd pariiav?ent,,? and heredi- tary ?emoni ?v=nors de jure, ano governor? [ago. E a Thi?