Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/121

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xv. Terre-Fili.s. Though 1'/'peak ?ith the tongues ff men ?d of gets, a?a ha,.e not ju?ice, ? am become as ?unding brafi, or a tt?kl?g c?mbal. ?nd though I hz?e the gi? of propheq, a?l un&r. fland all my?eries, and all knowledge i and tho' I all faith, fo that I could remo=e m?,ntaim, and have not ju?iee, I am nothing. ?dthough I b?flo? alg my good, to?ed the and though I give my bo o to be burned, andha?e not ju?ice, it pr?teth me n?thing. Ju?ice fu?reth long, a?a is kind; }u?Jce envieth not i juflice vaunteth not it?, is not ?Od Doth not behave itbg un?emO, feeketb but her o?n, is not carlo pr?oked, tl?inteeth no evil, ?e 'oyceth not in ini u O, but re 'oiceth in the truth. , ?eareth all t?ings, belie=eth alI things, hopeth ?mgs, en?reth all things, Rts?oaE?n all things. Tile word REs?oetva was delivered in as remarka, blea manner as it is printed, le? (though it was none off the apoKles words) ?is learned audience ?ould not apprehend his meaning; and therebrehe shunfired it oat among? them with an emphafia that could not efcape the ?allowe? apprehenfion. There was one thi?, which I obferv? plea?d them extremely? it wasa melancholy reprdentatmn of the condition of our exiled Monarch: He mas, ?id the preacher, in .a mournful ?ile, obligedto der ?bou} the earth, like a fugitive, from aatio? to nmion, and flora on? people to another peoplei nay, his roal li e was not out of danger, the ufurper ?mp]qed ricans to ?q. lay htm, and fl?ed h?, blood :'but th? hand Orovi&nce, fiid he, guar&th the lives ff Kings, and proseSeth' them from ?he lice ?their enemies. Mean ?hite, fiid he, the ufur?r fitccte&d roufly in all his un&rtak?gs : he ?as viSoriota in his ?an, ana artful in his tt?ties; the greatO ebks courted bh A?a?c?s3 [tNs ?as whfi? th?