Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/140

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fi? me ?nds in Mieving him?!f ??? right, the ?tO i? to cliffover we are ?'the wrO'.?_? ? g? om?ny? aM I ?eve I am not w?, aft? hayingrate than [arely fuf? h?mfdf to ? ?ong, h? fo?d ?ends enough in the ?me ?Mifon to vog him in the right. None ?ow ? well as the unhappy the true va- he of comfy in misfortune: the mo? forlorn wretch ? me ?Id is he tMt is ?utM alone. No?;n in the o?I ch?a&? oqoiminals endues them fo milch to oneanother, as the hkenefi of iheir crimes. find I ?ave b? told that the cclebrat? Mil- t,? never ent?ed into convolution aMut c?? and writings, b? dffcov?'d (unknown to him?f?haFs ) that the blindn? of tho? g?t men ?ad an unaccomrable ?are in the ? aM honour' ?Mch ?e Eagl?man ?id to the memory of the For my own ?, I don't well know how to ?mt or ?Memn the mi?kcs ofoth?sas I oug[t.. Who? hasaMndon'd hisintere?, and eohfulted' on- ly his ?umour, has rm?in'd me to his fide,mud is juffifimfim of my own condo&. For this r?fon'i am quier? than oth? ?ple und? all adminiflra- tionsi and fore?, tht I am likel to pals my time, as well pl?s'd as moR ? his maj Ry's fubjeOs ?re: but ?xt to the mnrolati'bn I mc?ve ?om t? lent eoudu& of affairs, I find by hittorian?, that l-l?uouu, with the advimtages.ol,' power and racy, has had as great a lkare in the events of fdr: met times, as at preterit: this mull needs make the. ?g///h hiltor/to me the molt entertaining book in the world. There I meet wit h k!ngs, who have judg'd fo ill, as to believe they had an intereft apart from that Of '?' their people; and that it was worth thdir whik/' to fupport a hma4tea?theunital?iesof thdrfu,h-