Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/17

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THE diſtance of time between the firſt and ſecond appearance of the following papers, together with the difference in the paſt and preſent ſtate of the univerſity of Oxford, make it neceſſary for me to prefix ſomething by way of apology for this work, which may ſeem to thoſe perſons, who are not acquainted with the ſubject in hand, or do not make a proper diſtinction of time, to ſtand in need of a juſtification.

The undertaker and publiſher of theſe ſheets went to Oxford in the year 1716. when the ſeeds of the late unnatural Rebellion were not yet extinguiſh'd; and continued there till June 1719. during which time he was a witneſs of that diſloyal and treaſonable diſpoſition, of thoſe corruptions, follies, and vices, which are complained of in the following book. For the truth of theſe particulars he