Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/174

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/? mine in the ?lack Book. ?is, ?id ?he Vice- Chantdior, is ?uch a caufe ? none of t? pro?ors of the rou? } thought it fife to appear in) that ?not Nen ?own that the pro,ors (of the =e?) w=e e? cit? m app=r in the tourti and that his n?me was continu? in the Bta& Book, t?u? he ?8 not given Mr. Whit? fitisfa&ion. Mr. Mea&?ro?rt to? him, t?at he dented the pro8or? mig& ?e thor re?ons in the court. Your bufme? ?d the Vice. C?ncellor, is not with the pro&rs, but with Mr. White, who put you into the Black B?g and you are to make up the matter with him. Mr. Meadowcourt anfw='d, that he not think that he ?d any thing to do with Mr. Whitei that his complaint lay again? the proctors in o?eei that he w= dire&ed by his friends to pro- ? a?in? them ? and that he thought himfell o- blig'd to follow the? dke?on. - ?, ?d t? Vi?-Ohanc?lor, you are ill di. reS? that he would advife him to go to White, and &fire him to take his name out of tile Iliatie Boole, and to enter his fatbj?dt. Mr. IVleado?- tourt told him, that he had waited upon Mr. White often enough already? that he infilted upon unrea- �onable terms of fifisfa?ion? that he had been very ill us'd by Mr. White, and that he would not con- cem himfell with him, nor fpeak to him any more abo?t it; but that he would proceecl in the court, if he (the Vice-Chancellor) would give him leave; that if he wou!d not rgeiVe him leave, he had no more to fly, and muff ?ft fatisfy'd? Upon this Mr. Meadorocourt was going away i when the Vice-Chancellor fiid, Sir, I -do hot fly that I will not give you leave; I will conffder of' it? and you lhall hear from me in a day or two's time. ! forgot to mention, that B. 'r, when Mr. Me?a?nveourt w?t to him firIts fiid, That he thought that he ?d. a right to plead the a// of grace i and that