Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/211

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xxxx. 7'erra. Filitts. .x living man in the world, who will make oath .that ]ae .was, at a certain time, and at a certain place,. in .company with the af'ore?id certain per, n, together With ccrtain'/-/ead? of' colleges, whenfuch an health �went round. N.B. I do not undertake to Iorodu?e this living man, Of fuchexcellent uf? and eonvenlence'to the uni- -oerfity, and friend? is this night?fefii?al, xi, hich appears to be mttituted for divers great and worthy parpot}s, and particularly, belide?_tliol?' a/ready inenti- oned, for the initiation of young $cur.?.s into the my.- !teries of'their buffneff in the government of' their �ollegesl of which the hiltory of poor Dr. Du?rBosz? will furniih us with a. late remarkable .inltane. e. Dodot Du?ruoN�s is buta young Scu,.x., though an old man, being. but lately advane'd to the govern- ment of a college m OxFORu: he fpent _the greateli part of his lifein'a vimridge in Sometflx'f hire, which ?s the 1tatmn he feems clefign d for by nature, butby great Imrfimo?y, and living fingO, he grew ? rich, that the Fellows of the college,to which he former- ly belonged,.thought it.worth ;the!r while, upon tho death of their hte H?-au, to mwte Dr. Du?uo?s out of the eou_ntry? to, come to oxford, and �ucceed Nm i which the dodot thankfully acCepted? and he was accordingly elec';ted their Hv. su, . In this office he behaved very well for rome time, and aCted like a man in his fenfesi but being admitted into the Oanmss? he loon altered couri:, and began to tyrannize like his brethren, whole example and advice he would kequently urge to his Fallows in anfwex to their remonflrances and ?i?mplaints, tellifig them that the He,Ds of houfes d, lie might do what ht pleafed in his own to!lege. It, dying upon which, th.e. poor old creature exercifed an abfo'lute authority:in h?s college,. in contempt of all fiatutes? which were no more than dead l?tter$ in hi.'s eye?i trampling Under hi, feet the will of his I t Irons.