Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/261

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44 Terrae.�lius. N? xxxv,x. prayed, and (w, ith their adyocate Mr. MnT) they hay: earneff, ly wire t? for a RESTORATION. If it fhou!d b? ask'd firther, ?hy th? continue to �wear a?:d abjure? I anfwer in the words of afe?0? of ?. ?oh?'s college, ?i?. that they may hold their ? 'd ?, kte ra? whigsoatoftheir plac% and be m a ?etter co?dition to firve their lord and rentier K?NG J?s the third. For there r?ons I believe that' the ChEvalier would freely ?rdon all their ? offences, and gracioufiy recfi?e them into has flyour; which is one gpod ar?ment why nil whigs ?o?d not receive him into the:r flyour. Zafi.? I h?ebyen'er my prote?ationagain? inch a Rrsvou?v?o?, out of the lincere refpe& w?ch I lmve for that num?ous body of Coffee.ho?[e p91i. ticinns and ?lebeian ?e?s-mo?gers, who iuh:-,?t :hh ifle, the brighthers of who{k parts, and fie g?ibne? of whole tongue? wou? be lo? to the world, und? any other g?'emment but this. King Cnxu?s the?cond iSue? a proclamation a ain? thefe .pping? g fmoaking flarelinen, and would not {uffer Ds long. fi?ded, but infeior Cubic&s, 1o a? him in the admi- ni?ation of his affairs; and I am afraid that his fup? ?d ?ephe? would fbllow his royal e?ample here. in, ?ould it eve be in his power, and fupprefi the liberty of the To?u?, ? well as the liberty of the Pu?ss 5 bo?h whi? we? at prefent, like freeborn �?l?men, enjoy in the utmo? latitude: nothing i: more ?mmon than to hnr the weightie? concern? of the rotion de?t? in the? publick a?emblie: by young ratling debauchees and eld dogting kumour?s? to hnr prime mincers of flare accufed of i?orancu md mi?ma?ement by city ?r?ticts, ?d la?er; clerks ? ?d tg?e the king himfe:f fum?on'd ?fore this awful tribunal, and condemned by there able counllors, as a peron if adv/d. and one who I? n?tbing of our la?s.