Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/266

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N O xxxIx. Zerr-Fiiu;. ' To .?y more upon this fabjecq:, with rehtlon to the umverfities, would be very im?ertincnt ? what I have �'fid already may be thought needle�s? the world have been long ?go convinced of tk, eh. dex- terity in this particular, not only by l?ertons daily coming from thence, who di(?ingaifh thern�eNes in it with great applaufe, but alfo by the publication o? a very popular book calI'd the Oxvor? J Eszs, which has met with that univerfal fuccefs from ?ne pubhck, that ?t ju?t? deferyes. As a f.upplement to this book, I will divert my re?der w?th a few more je&, 6ut!s, and t?u?s, of a later date; and I do hereby authorize and impowet ihe proprietor thereo} to add then: to the next edi- tion ?f that incomparable colic&ion' in conformi- ty to which gracious commiffion,! ?all take care to relate them in the time ftile and method, as near as I can. ,d Su?Idement to the OxvoaD Je/?s, A man, who ]iv'd just by a pound in Oxso?t? and kept an ale-houfe, put upon his fign there words (vim.) ,zlle ?ld here O the POV?Di which thduced a ereat many young ?udcnts to go thither out of -curqofity to bu? liqn-or, as they thought, by ?eight hearing of which, the vice. chancellor ?nt for the ?landlord to puniZ him according to fiatute, which prohibits all ale-hou?e-keqers to receive fchohrs in- t'o their houfesl bu't the fellow being apprehenfive what he was ?nt for, as Coon as he came into the vice.chancellor'?lodgings, fell a fpitting =bout the room l upon which the vi,.e. thanrdlor ask'd him in an an r tone, vhat he merest Sir_ fays the fallow, t am tome to clear my tiff Clear '/ourkl? sirrah t flys the vtce-chante&r ; but ?e? t&t you fi?ouW cIear yot:r ?m another ma?ner thq fay that you fell ale by th? ?und. No, mated, D