Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/297

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Terre-�i/3s. N� 'tis na,_,feous. low, and infipid; you are invited to Chan:pa:gne, ar.d treated with curds and whey. l fi,'al] give you two or three inttancesot thor: ecclclia?ica! com[liment-mongers. The name of the fi?�t I have as enfirdy forgot, as, I doubt not, ia a tow }'ears will be ti?at of the fecond. I can, hob'ever, produce the kook, tho' at prefcnt I have it not by me' 'tisa treat? on the ,l?,ger offi?;. The soytrend author dedicates it to Sir Thom,?s ?l?yer, a no?ed man in the time ofthat pious prince King Chun[rs the ?cond,'nnd gives the living and tlie dead a bout at cudgels after the following man. ner i ?nrce a,.omm ?, m?s he? (there are his yet, "word;) ha,'e been mighty famous m the world, ?' vi=. 2boreas Meui?as, Thomas a. Beebet? and Si? "T..oma? ?1ore. 'All three, continues he? were ? .?.?,; ?,, .... ?.?,, natorio?s offenders "their Ki?:g and Counrr'?. B?t? the Sir "I addref? ,o is the true? of fubje&s, and the re. ?' ty te? o? ?rate, ms." Biers us? &e what w have had a lucky go,!fither! How unhappy were ?) poor broth? =nd 1, to be chifien'd ]ames a? ] ? -- You'll fddom meet with a name- ?ke of cu?s worth a fa. rthing. From t?is Tom-fool proctcd we to the entided 7o,?ph. To that name no one can the ver/bc;'} of men }?ad, it; whom poet ?o imi- rites ju? thus fir,? thro the loyalty of his hear= he would fiin eoflave u, all to his King and mailer. 'Tis vtry well known that a brave and noble Lord did at the battle of Bknheim lore his in t?e caufe of hberty. This was certainly a cir- ?um?ance highly honourable for his ?:d?i?, and one that might ?e handlbmely touch'd upon in a dedication - Let us ?e how our bungler mum- bles it: even thus; he iends him his ?fi after having C?&r',t aM 8c?o',? him ?rtem, telis him, t?t he could not in one ret?e? corn