Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/305

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o�err,e-�illns. N � but nov; I was an _,/ria?, an .rnfiJd, or an nay, rome went fo f? as to call me a t?i?n. I was tefide? a member o[ the Confiitutlon-ch?a, =rid fatFOed to N the author of ?veral po,mt, and p?m?hl?ts, conrair. ing bitter refie&ions upon the e,'eri7, the u?iveOies, and the proton&r, which ?&g?avated the malignity of my chataBet, and pro- ca?d to me the htal refentments of my who now g?ve me over, as a confirm'd Reprobate, of whom they had no hopes. In this odd, unN]itick manner, did I condu? my fclg durin? the three years of my probation end tho' the ?3ad of the college was fo kind fiequently to admoni? me of the &rigor of m 7 ?ay$, and conjure me, with a tatEerly a?&ion, turn from them, and lizei yet I was tb muchblinded with cat?. co?fiie?:ce? and I know not what, that i fi:!l continu'd in oFn robeson again? the u?i. ?'e?t7 and the church, by adhering to king George ? the pr?teflant reb?ion. Mm?tation tb=efore wa? jMg'd by ?me t?em to be the only method- that could be ufed wi? fo derpotato a malady; but as all furgeons wi? not ?me into fuch feve{ o.?ations, where tEere is not the utmo? ncce?ty, it. ?as not with- out rome artifice that the Fr?&?t ?rried his point 1o well aa he did, which was not fo well as he would have done it i for tho' out of fourteen he pre,'ailed upon ten to vote a?in? me (which ma;ority enough m conference)).or he would ling?y have exclud? me, neroroe contrad?ceme, to Bia:t my reputafio, entirely i and with that intent We it'out long ?fo?e ?e day of tri? came, that ?ould let a mark upon every one w? woted ! do not, dear Tz?Y, f?d you this account in ?rd? to raffe yo? compa?oa tow=ds me$