Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/316

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N o 7'err,.Filius. ' 99 the univer/Y? ? and the, if they gro? contuma- cious, they fl2aI?be ?mpri)ned or 3anifl?e 4 at the dif- cretion of th? chancellor or vice-chance?or. Indeed I never knew any fcholar board ae a z?te hou? but I ?ave known them to lodge in private hau?, without richer the vhan?elior or vice. }banee?or's leave; nor did I ever hear of any l.?r's being impri)n?g or ba?ffh'd, or orherwifi nixed upon that account. The time (d) ?atute appoinrz what tore of per- fons the Tutor? fl?ould be? and ordains, that no per- ?bn ?all be a Tutor, who ha? not taken a degree in tome faculty, and is not (in the judgment of the Head of the college or ha? to which he belongs) n?an of ap?roved Iearni?Jg, ?robicy, and decere rejt- I am a?aid all the Tutors .in Oxvo? cannot ?and this ted 3 but a? the Head may pkad, that they were mi akin in their 'udgment, I cannot charge ? . .I . . . them with m a&al wolat?on o? th?s ?atute. Next to there fucc?ds a numar of (e) ?tutes concerning the ?zbli?k Le?,rt? in all ficultles3 ap-

,ointin with the utmo?exa?nefi, ?h?re they

?d, ?hen ?he fl?all read, ,h?t they ?all read, �y riley ?all read? and to ?hom they ?all read. allthere (as I have frequently obferved) arealmo? totally negle&ed; out oftven? publickle?ures, not tb0ve thre? or four being obferved at all, and they not fiatutably obfirved ? for the auditor?, ? ho long to theftme college with the le?ure?' in any ficul- ?y, do not wait upon him to the ?hool, where reads, andMck again, as they ought todo? Jr, that not one in tm goes to he? there nor do ?ey (who do attend) take d?n ?hat th F z (4) $?0;; :?. (,) Tit.?IV: Se?,, ? a? 21, q? O',?