Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/329

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Terr,e-Ft7iu. N o XLI? lege, Sir Thomm White,?nt to hisfd/2ws and j%olar,; which is fo full of godly exhortations and fatheft 7

tile&ion, that I think it cannot be a difagreeable

terrainmerit to any of my virtuous readers. ?a Mr. P R E St t? Z? T, the Fellows.and Scholars. of st. Jom? B.?,?.?i?r Cd]ege, in Oxon. Mr. Prdident, with the Fellows a?d Scholars, "1 Have me recommended unto you, even flora " the very bottom of my hea:t, deftring the Ho.'y "?/%q may reft Won you, until the end of the "world ? and deftring ?Imi htv God, that ever ? "one of you may time one another as brethren5 and e You to a??ly ?'our learnin, and fo "I fhall? defir ....... g_ . . ?' doing, God .fl?all give you his hiefling both m tiffs "world, and m the world to come. And iurther- "more, if anyflrife or variance do afire among you, "I?fl?a!l.defire you, for God's love, to pacify it, a? "muchas you may i and thatdoin3g, I put no doubt "but God ]hall ble/i every one of'you. And this "fnan be the laf? letter that ever I write unto you, "and therefore I fnaI1 deftre every one of you to ,? take a copy of it for my fake. No more to you "at this time, but the Lord have you in his keep. ' "ing, until the end of the world. Written the fe- �' yen and twentieth da of ?eanua , One thoufind y ._ ry "five hundred fixty ?ncl fix. I ddire you all to pray "to God for me, that I may encl. my life .with l?Z - ,' fienee, and he may take me to hi? mcface. Ob'? .ff. nno Sstutb ? f66. �t, tat. f?t? ? z. ELIZt, Bl!rlt� rtgni ogtn.o, ? undecimo 8/t FebruariL ? me $i? Tho. ?hite, grit. derman of London, and Foun- der .of st. Joha Bapt. Coil. Oxon.