Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/337

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Terre-Filius. N ble of afllfiing lnd fupporting one another on any occation, at?d would be more zealous and a6tive in the de{?ence of o? happy Conltitution againIt all its oppofers. Nor were the intentions of thet? gentlemen in the lealt difappointed- for both the Members of the �onfl#ution-dub, who �oon increas'd to a very con. riderable number, and the other inferior Whigs of the uni.'?.eqfity, ha.ring =11 contraded an acquaintance w?tn one another, did not fail, on every Opportuni- ty, to profet? their loyalty and :?ff-ec'lion to king George l to aWert 'his title to the crown, upon the true and rational foundation of thelate glo?ious woNtioni to confate the lye b and detect the forge. ties of the T?rie$ i and to oppofe the t?ditious attempts o?' that wicked and ab�urd faction. The univerj;Dy. as might be expe?ed, was nora little alarm'd and enrag'd at the infotent loyalty it was tti?d) of the Whigsl. ?.nd the?onflituti?n.&?b being found guilt)' of fairing this moil: e?,iI fpirit of Io?'alty in Oxford, man3' coneyantes and fcheme? ?a ere fct on foot tocrufh andextirpatethis perniciot:? �ocieW. At length a l:2Ot a?inlt the conflitutione,s wa? fecretly form d, and fucc?tullv executed on twenty eighthof May, ? 7:4. which was dis ma- jetty's and the firit that had been eelefta.. ted fince his arrival in England. On this joyfill occafion the whole body of the �onflitution-club met together at a tavern, and ordt'r- ed the windows of the houfe to be illuminated, rome faggots to be prel:,ar'd for a bonfire. But kefore tke 13onfire could be lighted, a very nu- merous mob which was hired for that purpofe, tore to pieces the faggots, and then adieuIred the room, where the dui; was fitting, with brickbats and 1tones. All thetimet?,atthe mob was thus emp!oy'd, thedifaffe&ed fcholars, who had crowded thehouli:s aud ?ect? near the tavern, continued throwing their