Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/352

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A P P E N D I X. E?lucatlon in Hart-Hall, uncler a? ?ood a Tutor, ? ?ind a friend m any man ?uld I ?ve b?n inform'ed, indeed, that Mr, was a member of?art-Hall for t?o term? which I think can hardly be called ?a=ing hh Education ther?; md i believe he will, with the utmoff lure, allow, that.he was? during that time, under the heft of men,?and the b? of Tutors, who might po?bly * ?i? h?we ?ontributed to the re?utation of ?our houfe, had he fully approved oftharn0welS?heme. ?f d?i?line, which ?ou have lately endeavour'd to effabli? there. Mr. B0?k? would indeed be very ungrateful, if did not, u?n all occafions acknowledge his oNi? tions to that ?orthy m? for recomm?ding him,' fo e?g mann=, to his deccafed f? and tron, the late learned Dr. nud?nl ?o? who? hand h? receivd his firff pre?ment in the univ?fi?, and: b I who? intereft, when d?d, he fuee?ed him that ,on?d, rable Emfioy?ent Ehieh.he now mjoys. But Iou may remember, $?, w?th w?t di?cuI- ? you parted with Mr. ?o?le? and how haply you' ?al prevailed up9n, ?th by that. excellent Tutor, =rid Dr..?ud?n h?mfelf, to grot Nm a O?t, the' they proved it und?iably to be fo much for his =antage: nor did ?ou deny this for my m?e-beha*. ?iour, or demerit in ?. ?o?le? ? but, on the con-- tracy, if what I ?ave been told be true, your =i that time was expreW? in there words: Does Dr. Hudfon thinh that I ?i? ?art ?ith the Ornament or' my Hall, to?t u? hi? little in?o.?&ra& hour. Nay, I have been farther aWur?, that you endea- ?our'd to pertwade Mr._ ?o?1? not to accept of ?ny place under Dr. Hud? in the ?odelian library, which you called ?udium =?g?m,. nor of a W?0?-