Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/358

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i P 'E N .D .I X; heard in his o?on defence, before �o terrible a charge, as that of endenvourinl to rubweft the difcitgine of tke whole Lroiverj[ty: was brought againft him ? nay, indeed, ought any man, however mean and.inco?fi- &tab!e, to be treated in this manner? You fay that .you applied to the Provot}.of Oriel thiJ matteri and what anfwer did the Pro,o? give you? Did he not tell you, as I have before let f6rth, }hat it voas not &he by his D�?,ua',???o?, but by.the Oentleman's own author'ity, as i?nior fellow. And if he Bid �o, what end ?ould'you think to �erve, by infiit- ing �o long upon this head ? why enould you? for fo many pages together, fpin out }'our .reproaches upon that'?,0rthy m'-agifirate, for confirming and ap- proving-the a?lmiff'on o{ Mr. $eamal?, for.lending hi? a?tt?or?ty, ex pofi f?c?o, and forgiving'valldity to unlau,,ful a&s, with a great deal to the fame put- pole, after you had .been told, fram his own mouth, that it ?vas not done by his Deputation, and could not but hear, after all tliofe examinations which �eem to have made, that it ?,?s not in hi: power to reverfe it ? However you may therefore at Fe]}nt to defpife Mr. Bon, les, on account ot ? your age, your finriding, more exalted talents, or { fuperior fiation in the univerfity, (which, however? a roodeft man would' not do) yet does it, Sir, become you to throw your dirt and foul language, in fo plentiful a man- ner upon One who is fo'mueh/'u?erior to you in age, as well as .in fiation, and at leait your equal in learning, probity., and religioni one who has lived j? many years, in the urnvestry, wi?h an uOotted ehara&er in e?ery refpe6t, till it was now firttof all impeached by you? Letme conjure you, therefore, by all thatis and honourable, to * dechre ?hat motive ?ould reduce ?. Vi?t. Your �x?dtulations, ?. 4?.