Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/362

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A P P E N D I X. ?ran?l ufurpation of Oliver Cromwell, and then ask your con�cience this impartial quefiion; whether you Ao not believe, that many a �ice-chancdlor, in thole wicked Rump-times, would have combined with one of his f anaticalBrethren to opprds an honelt young Roy- al/fl, by refuting himleavetodepartfrom onecolleg-e, where he had been manifeffty ill-re'd, and go to a?o. tber, .where he had a ?rofpe& of advancing far.... ..... ?c?tner can I ag?ee w?tl? you concerning the Rea fins, which a fcholar ought to have, for leaving one foolery, and going to s?tber. In the fitIt place? I muff obierve, the whole tenour of your book, that it may not, m ma- ny cafes? be t?roper to declare the motive of defirin . g to remove? for I may have j?ret promffes from my friends in a?other college, or private views of my own ? the divulging of which might entirely fruflratemy ovon ends, or thed,.figns of my friend?. which I believe will not be thou ht a groundleft ob- . g jec"iion by thole, who know any th?ng ot the me- thod of canvaillng for Fellowlhips or other Prefer- ments at Oxford. -But.fecondly, as it may not be ?rol)er to declare the reafons of deriving to go to another college ? fo it may be equally imprudent to dccla,e my obiecT;ims againit that, which I d?tire to leave. I rr{ay not like my Governour, and perhays for veryg00d reaj3nr: He may be a proud, imperious man, rigidly obfervant of little niceties and tr.fles in difdpline and the z. ernmentof his college? He may perhaps be a weft'- meaning man, and a goodfiholar in univerfity-lcarn. ing; but withal a Pedant, an Humoto'ifi, and by hi; affe?ation of fingularities and adherence to tilJo$? a meet T?,ra?:t. He may, b?Sdes, be not only monflroufly ?him- float with regard to his o?un oece?omy and methodo� lt?.?ng; 'but li?ewffc fo unrea?ronaole, its to VOL. IL H