Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/371

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APPENDIX. You '-? page, that this proeetdin$ ,c,, us in the next ?zd j5 go?.t an effe?, that there doth not appear to be another iaflance of a f&o!ar admitted into another lau]} ?ithout leave from his former Governor, or ?om the ?ce-c?.celtor, till the year ?7z3. So in the courli of an hundred and feventy eight ). ears, th=e =e, accordin? to your own acknowle3?ment, but two i?q?ce?-of ?rfom admitted into other colleges without leave from their former Gown?or$ or ?om the Vice-&ance?or: In one oafe, the perfort fo admitted was r?ored, but the p?n?l? does nor uF? to ha?'e Men paid; in the oth?, the ?enalty w=exa&e8, and the perfort not r?red? which I pre- fume would ?ve been done in the latter, if the Vice- ?ancelior ?d apy ?wer by ?atute to 8o it. Your ?ne ?re?e&nt, ?=dore, is only an iaAaace of a for- ?er Vice-cMncd?r, who exceeded his duty ?efioriag the ?ho?, which was an illegal a&, untefs ?,e did it by the confeat of both lieu of _ pa?fies, in t?e tmalty; as it is very reatbnaNe to believe: ?e d?d it by virtue of his own authority, it was an u?utable a?on, and ought not to be followed by hisfucceffor?; if hedid it, notby his own power, but by a?eement of ?e pmies, then it is no prece- dent ?o your purpo?i and, as you have not bern a- Ne to ?mma e u any other b?ance, I ho? you . g ?fll not argue ?at it has been uf?l, to vetore the ?hohr, from no ?rece&nt at a?. I ?ofl? ? a?ed t? dwell fo long u?n thi? ?, if ?t w=e not made nece?y by y?u? own Fo?x ramnet of ?iting; and I hope-that I fl?all not ? ?ought red,us in fo?owing you, under whole pen a molehill infoAbly fwells into a monn- t?n, ?d * D?es be?me of the utm 0 importann. What Author in the world, exert yourfel? could, ? ? much ?dr?, and fo good a gra?e, duce