Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/373

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k P'PE N D'I X. 13efore I quit this head s [ rnuf? take notice of tw? t?ngs, which fearn w have given you great dif- The firit is, that * rome perions, it feems, have entertained a notion,that your Ha//is no more than m Inn, o? which youare the H0fi, gnd you? fcholar? the Gu?s. I am lorry, Sir, to fly t?t there kerns to ? rome r?fon in thisno5on, howe?a m?ily you may Flare to ?t it: For do y?.not, like other ?nn-keefers, your ?viu and ?aintain yourfami- !y b? letting lodgings, au?ke?g an ordinary for comers ? Are not youlicms'd for fo doing? like other l?-keepers, ?d Ratalert of beer, though by a diffe- rent ?nd ? Ind?d? you ? Logick? and other forts o( i?ning, a? welI as ?ovifions for enting and drink? i?g; but that ?not defray fie ?ara?er of an keeper, whi? you cer?iuly ?e in all other refpefls? but o?y prov?, that you d?t in rome ?ticu?rs which your Brethrea of the trade do not. ?t:?Ou obf?ve, ?th r?tion to Mr. Beeman's ?vi? ?r Hall, that fuppofing '? a t G?emor to ? ? but m I?n-kee? md his college an Inn, and ? his ?h?s GueSs, and, asfuch, at linty tofpend �' t?ir ?.w?e they. pl?fe? yet he d?ubts, he �' wi/I iniiR upou the privilege belonging to all o- ". ther l?.leeqers, aM not fuffer them to retkon, ,' without their ?o?." I. cannot potlibl! c.onceive what this pretty obfer- vanon was brought m for; or what Imrpofe you i?tend it ?ould ferve. You have, no doubt, the fame right. with otherlnmkee?evs, tobring ina ?i!l, and dem?_ d yo?Retk0?ivg, whm you pl?; which !?onot h?t?t Mr. Sea?au, or my o?of'yo? ?u?s ev? teNfed to pay; but I ?evoyou are the only Lan?rd in town, who wo?d off? to ?ain ? ?fis by fo? ?t? they h? ?d t?k at?kon-