Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/377

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APPENDIX, becau? there did not, by it, appear to be any adva?,? tsgt to the q?o?n: fo that all q, pofitien muff be el[eemed unre?onable, where the ol)pq?rs have no vai[iJle advanttsge, or merechar ?;iew. However, I . /hall wave thI?, becaufe you will reply, that no dy ought to oppol? a ? ddign, fuch as is the erdowmmt of a coaege, u? it affe&s thdr ?ro- ?, or they have fome oth? re?n for fo doin But ?p?.?ey m?ght ?e ?us u?n th? head, T?t ?owmg the tM?m?nt of a ?ege, ?eI1 re?lat? to be a gaod ?ffgn; y? fince there is fuch a of i?egu?ritks and ? app?s by Te?a-Fi?u$ and Dr. ?e?to?, in tho? ?11 e ? ?Irea? ?or ated, it would be ridiculous g. y (tiH th? ?me of ftt?rmatiog takes place) to b?. ?or?rate any ?cond '/'our charge contained in this period, i?, of fieali?g away your ]?kol4rsi which I fuppofe, derdried to refiee't upon Oriel College, alluding to the kafe of Mr. Seaman, which I have confidered ready; and therefore/hall only remark, in this place, upon the term fled, which is alfo repeated in your book. and implies, that a ]?holar is the t?roperty the Go'vemor, under whom he i? placed; and indeed. in fome college?, which I could name, they, a?u. all? make l?ropertks of them. obferve, in the time manner, that when you fpeak of thedefenion from your Hah, you call it the $nm?l Rebd?:on and of thole concerned it, you cal', ?hem mail. ants, _difa.?tted perfons, confpirator,. and r?ngleaders in the rebeldion; which are all tern'.,s e{ually appropriated to Kings and forereign prince?, luch as I have defcribed, in one of my * paper:, the Governors of colleges and ha!ds tto be. Confb- mat to this high chara&er, you appeal to the t're-

  • V'dt Ttrte-ltil&t No. XII.