Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/398

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POSTSCR. IPT. You fly this diminution of the penalty is a * mir- chief ?vhicb time b?s introduced. How. great a chief it is, I mu? I?ve ?e reader to jud?, after what h? b?n /?d: but if yaa had ?en pl?f? recollea fame other ?atutes, you might have em- ?Ioyed your time to much better purpo?, in letting f?rth the tea! and gri?ous m?hie? which time introduced, by the alteratioa in the value of money particularly in the flatute relating to grand cam oun- ders, which'?is grown fo burthenfame, that it keeps feveral gentlemen from taking their degrees; or in the flatutes of tveral calicos, which oblige the fellow? to f?ear that they are not worth five pounds per annum de ?raprio, and thereby involve many them in the guilt of perjury. By Vqofing a red'-re? of thef grievances, you w?Id have d?e a honour to the univ?ty, al well as tr? firrite to ramkind, inRead o?' among us with idle complaints, founded upon imaginary grievances? carrying on your o?n fanciful and ridJealous ? wi? detain you no longer than to put you mind, that = you have thus grofly lhe whole matter, and tMreby injured feveral wor- thy gentlemen, y9u ought, as a ??(eff? of leaning and chrifim rdi ;on, to ma? t?m fame repam- g . - tion, by publickly asking thetr ?ardan, as well' as offeO fo?; ??ologj t? thi publick ?r hav?g imbed upon it in fo egregtous a m?ner.