Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/409

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INDEX. mi�reprefents the ca/? of Thomas Wyffe, 1[. his method of living at Hart-Hall, II.: 5'5' his age, II. how long he has been at the univerfity? II. lb. how long he has prelided in an inn-keeper, angry with being called fo, but jufdy, joins with Terr?e-Fi#m in the of the univerfities, iI. x 5'7, x 75' his falvoes, compared to Horace, Hart.Hal/, II. lb. II: I5'6 I[. lb. I!. ?b. reformation II. ?yg I[. lb. his complaints, I[. z5'9 oppofed by the ReFlor and Fellows of Exeter, College, II. a monarch, Ii. his opinion of heads of colleges, 1I. x6 his obfervation upon the garden at Trinity. College, lI. ? 6 5 his opinion of the excrcifes, fludies, le?ure;, difputations, prayers? and converfations of the univerfity, II. ? 66 refie&s upon the profif?rs of liberal fcience,, II. 368 his opinion of eniverfity degrees, II. i69 condemns pluralities, II. his account of the temperance obferv'd at the univerfity, II. his o?.inion concerning the [marts, condemns the extravagance of the univer. fit)', ? II. prohibits Tea ?n8 Coif}e, !I. ?74 s:eni?tes his brethren for their negle? of nobkmen and gentlemen-?ommo?,er:? 11. ib