Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/413

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INDEX. ?itb (Mr. l?kk?r?ag) hi? contel[ with Mr. Wharton; 8ckdars, the property of their governors, l[. ?6o $c?ool-aoys, Ttrra-leilim's advice to them, II. ? decline of hte years, at Ox?rd, I. =6 upon great mtn, the popularity of them, I. Saturnallan leaits, romething like an oxford Scurloclt (Mr.) pluck'd, and for what, II. Sej,?nus, tl:e refpe8 ?id to his servants, i. 7 $eamw? (Mr.) removes from Hart-8a?. l I. &rmon, ? feditious one, preach'd at o?ford, on the ?9th of May, ?7z9. I. proc?ings thereupon, I. 88. ?m?rt (Oxf?g) the charaO? of one, II. Dr. ?7e?ton's opinion of them, II. $m?k?ius, the ?ff b?k except the bible, I. 8nap?ius Cloditts an olfl Sabine farmer, I. z 8cm.5/;'cr (Mr.) his ca?, II. x48 (Dr.) a great?punfftr, II. 8?ud;-Sea D?8or? compared with Heads of col- lege$, I. 6 the ch?ge againff them, I. 6? (yobn) his lett? to Terr?-Filitts, I. ? z $ta.9Zord univerfityvies with filat at Ox?rd, I. 66 8t,?n?rafi yerobo.?m, h/sietter to Terra- Filiut, II. 78 8txtqmen, of?l parries, ought to prore& theirf rich&, I. 7? ?at?tes of the univerfity ought to ? alter'd, contradi?oor, inconfit?entfiatutet, how ex?ufed, I. r?' for flying marl, lao_w evaded, ib, $ta-