Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/415

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2'?rr?-?iliut, h,s papers proh,b?ted by cellar of Oxf?r?l, . I. the f? of ? ale-bou?-ke?er m .?g, , ?s pap?s t?eat? d to bafupprc?d by a let? to him ?om ?. a lett? tohimfrom P6ilnlet?, L influenced by humour, 4is defence, i?. ?o of his pa?s b?t at Ox?rj, ?is advice ?o t?e ftbool-?,t of Srit?i?, 1L gees incog to Ox?rJ, II, obRrva?ionsupon ?'sjoam?, I1. h? r?ons again? r?ori?g ?r, II. ?hc ?amre con?ing ?m, II. too hi? remarks u?n ?. Ne?ton'? b?, �?, Dr. D?e?s man, a ? a ?amt? a? k?ing ? ?g ?n?le? L ?s ?u?ont conc?nmg the, I. 't66 the c??r of one, I. ?viee how to ?avemE?dsthem, II. o?e ?? for Imping t?m, ?.?dG. ? ?. 8o