Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/417

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! D E X. but ?, . I. re?ched f? the wmt of it by the _ ?op of ?er, I. ? s??] ? opinion, not com- w?r ?ni? p?e-worthy m m ! v?fiV, (?t?mf? vi? with that at s? by Terr?-?ilim, N. ?rtm (Mr.) Freaches a treOn?k fermon at O,v- j?rd. I. $:. an abfira& of it, i& an account of the proceeding againit it, .I. 88 Made prdideat of ?e Oxfird po?tx? club, 9Y?nJm, what, ,,. ' (S?r,.r?. ? 0 ?d?. of st o?tl?s U? it, II. (Pr?or) Ms ?ntm?t of?.y?a?toun ' for &i?g ?;.- Ge?ee'? ?vat?) ?me ??unt of ?s f?h in ?olg?ha, I. 6z rome ac?aat of his man yohn,? I. f?on at O?d. I. 8a