Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/60

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Terr-Fitim', v, render them odious or ridiculous to the'common ?a?; which a ertain et o entlemen whom love ancl honour, have a deve? knack at doing: the]/ can ?frly explain liberty into licentioufnefi, mercy into fear, juttice into cruelty, wiflom into chance, and chance into wifdom. In the fame manner �orm?tion bei_? ?n h?rmlefs, unexceptionable word ?)-F?:elt; they ?ve chmg_ed it, which c?rries a very bad found ?ong w?th it, l N Nov By this rehgious fright of hand, they haw per. (ua&d many ignorant ix?le out of their fenres, made them believe that to reform is to .aemotifi, ? that to redrexq grievances is to commit ?'tevances; aucl that to punifh offen&xs is to o?pms the inn0. cema'he eentlemen of the univerfities have �ucceede3 wonder?ully, by the help oF th? lege,.?.rn.ain, _u?on the weakneff and ignot. ance ot mankma. 'l'ney have perfuadcd the mulumde, that a or mentary zi[�tation of' the univerlitie? w? prove the �- - �' ' ii cermn and total exttqrauon of learning and rd g- on. - And oh! that it were the multit#de that they have thus perfuaded ! To fuppo. rt this delufio. n, ?.ey keep their ,:,?,?, aecl o?evances to themielves .as much as they ?an""i �r ?-?g corruptions and grievances, of which themfdves are the authors, they axe fo rnod? not to &fire any redre? or remedy: they think an ill bird which befouh his own nejt, _and there.fore tenderl hufh u their ownfcandalous ra6hces, the y P P . andYbrand all complaints and informations a.g?nft them, with the infamous name of difobedienc�, undutifulnefi, and ingratitude,, ?. to their alma This trick, as fhallow as it is, has kept man)i I!oneft gentlemen From difco.veting wtrat they cout ?ot heF? coMemr/me in 'their hearts: they will not r - them.