Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/62

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won't fhew you common good manners, u�e theta .never fo civiliy: ! proreit, I have a vail ref?�? for all the reverend t?ead? and governors of colleges hai?s in both univerfities? and I am refolv'd, it illall not be my fault, ifr there is any mi[uruterflanding be. I am glad, with all my hear?, to hear that the new buildings at �hri.#-Church and ?11-$ouls col- leges go on again, and that contributions come in apace, as mention'd by the do&ori but I would not have them fet their minds too much upon ne?, qua. drangles, and empty libraries, and i?acious halls, and coftly chapels, and painted windows, and marble ?'lltar-pieces? and large cellars, and fine gardens, and flable,, and co,,cl?-houp,, and p, mmer-houp,, &c. fly, do&or, I would not have them fpend all their time in contriving and gaping at there things; but ?et apart, at leaR, one day in a quarter of a year, the lot ttudies of phiIofophy and religion. 1'11 affure you, I have heard rome bitter men, friends to the univerfity, obferve That, of late years, ?iences and arts hax e dedin'd in Ox?rd, in propor- tion as their fineries have increa?d. Nay, I myt?lq, when I fee a fellow mightily be- �patte?'d with lace and embroidery, am very apt to fufpe? his infide, and fly to myfelf, I warrant you, that fellow there has room enough in his nod- rile. But how, will you fay, can I compare the fa- mous uuive?fity of Oxvo?n to a ridiculous Londo?: Fop? I will conclude this paper, which i write in vi'.;- tlication of relyfell againt? the afpe?fions or' my ene. mies, with telling you a merry f?ory,?and a very When I had publifh'd my two firf? papers, I ?unter'd about town, like o, her half-fl?eet au:hor? from one coffee-houfe to another, and mingled my- fell in all the/r ca?, to hear what wa? hid of my .. lucubrations.