Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/78

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4= Terr,e-Filius. both had abundance of children, whom they adop- ted, and undertook to bring up in learning and the fear of the Lord i but initcad of' that, have educated them in i noraace and wickednet}, teachin them g. , g to be juft inch ill-natur d, troublerome brats as them- ?P1gego And. indeed, it could not be otherwit?; for they' had always the rod in their hands, and woe be to him that would not do as his mother bid him, If any of them were naturally ever fo well di�- pos'd, they were brow-beaten, and us'd like dogs, tit1 they learn'd their duty, every day threaten'd to be turn'd out of doors, unduti�ul chit? ! as they ought to be, and as fcverai have been a&uall t?r- , Y red. But then it muff be confider d, that where one would fiand it out till it came to this, twen- ty chore rather to be fondled up, and call'd mo- ther's l?ou.n toys at any expence i martyrdom not being now in half' the vogue that it haih formerly �,'e have, in particular? two remarkable Inthn- ces of'a couple of unlucky young rogues, who ot . g into their mother's good graces? and by that means into good preli:rment, merely by their impudence and abufing mankind; betides which, they have likewit? got the reputation of the belt men in their relpec"'tive times? and are flinteel for their pains. The molt reverend Dr. William Laud, and the reverend father William, are the men I mean; the firft of whom having play'd the tyrant over a col- lege fbr rome years, came at lalt, by the meth. ods jutt before mention'd, to tyrannize over his prince and the who?e nationi bringing in due tinfe, by pt. ting on foot wicked rneafi?rer q' all ]?rts, the firft to a block, and the laft into ei,il war and de13Iation: indeed, it mutt be own'd, he led the wa]/himthlf