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have not even a visiting acquaintance with her." At the same moment, these self-same winds are "a-sharting in my ear": "We don't confess to nothink of the sort!

Ho, leave us in yer will before yer die!" 'Tis well to be you, looking forward to sailing the Spanish Main. . . .

Of Philip Guedalla's Supers and Supermen, Teixeira writes, 7. 11. 20: I have got it out of the Times Book Club because of a kindly notice. There are two or three delicious plums in it. . . .

Among the happy phrases is one—"nudging us with his inimitably knowing inverted commas"—to which I would in my mean, Parthian way call your attention, as bearing upon one of our recent controversies. . . .

What is B. N. C., a Noxford college mentioned in Galsworthy's book?[1] he asks, 10. 11. 20. Bras (?z) enos? How I hate these initials!. . .

On St. Stanislaus' Day, he writes:

Many thanks for your letter of yesterday (which was the eve of St. Stanislaus) . . . I have no . . . bright social news for you.

  1. In Chancery.