Page:Texas A&M 6th annual catalogue, session 1881-82.djvu/12

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A. & M. College of Texas.

A. & M. College of Texas. and important adjuncts, botany, zoology, geology etc. was placed as a subordinate subject under the care of the professor of chemistry.

Great as was this perversion of the college from its true objects it is probable that its able directors at that time could not have done otherwise than they did. Not only did the public notion of education demand such a school, but the college as the only existing branch of the state university was expected to do the work of that entire institution, and not to devote itself to any speciality.

Under such circumstances academic work commenced on the 4 of Oct., 1876. Students entered in large numbers; a career of unexampled prosperity seemed open to the well endowed and firmly established college. The military department, under its very efficient and earnest professor, soon became a prominent feature. The finely drilled, equipped and disciplined body of young men attracted the admiration of all who saw them. The number of students increased till temporary buildings were erected to accommodate them.

At one time six professors, with an assistant or two, were attempting to teach over 300 young men. This too without apparatus, agricultural or mechanical, chemical or physical. The students were crowded together. Discontent arose, and complaints were heard. The attempt to accomplish impossibilities resulted in failure. Then it was that those who for various reasons sought grounds of complaint readily found them. Unfavorable criticism soon discovered the great perversion of the course of instruction. A hostile spirit was developed in the legislature and in the newspapers. The college was named a nursery of military aristocracy. The farmers looked coldly upon it or pronounced it a "humbug." Students began to return to their homes.

Beset by complaints growing louder every day, the faculty, with no means at hand of remedying the evils complained of fell into dissentions among themselves. These at last necessitated a meeting of the directors on the 18 of Nov., 1879, at which meeting the college was reorganized by the election of a new faculty. But no change was made at this time in the course