Page:Texas A&M 6th annual catalogue, session 1881-82.djvu/15

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A. & M. College of Texas.


The act of congress which established the state agricultural and mechanical colleges defines their objects. But under that act there have been founded as many different schools as there are states. These institutions have presented a variety of educational schemes which have embraced nearly all gradations from the classical and mathematical college to the manual labor industrial school. In view of this fact it is proper to state as definitely as possible the interpretation given to the act of congress by the authorities of this college, and the manner in which they are endeavoring to carry out its provisions.

Misapprehension of the present status of the college, founded upon its former reputation as a classical and military school, keeps alive a prejudice in the minds of many who are not fully aware of the radical changes that have taken place within the last four years. The following brief statements are therefore presented for the consideration of those who desire to be informed concerning these changes.

The general object of this college is to excite and foster in the minds of our people an enthusiastic appreciation of the attractiveness and value of those pursuits by which the material development of the country is advanced.

It is the business of this college to turn the attention of our young men from the overcrowded "learned professions" to those occupations which have brought abundant wealth and power to other states, and which are beginning now to attract and well repay the services of trained young men in Texas.

These objects are sought to be attained—

By a thorough course of instruction in mathematics and natural science, with continual application of principles to work in the