Page:Textile fabrics; a descriptive catalogue of the collection of church-vestments, dresses, silk stuffs, needle-work and tapestries, forming that section of the Museum (IA textilefabricsde00soutrich).pdf/568

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Cushion-cover, white linen embroidered with running pattern and scroll ornament, yellow silk; cipher in centre. English, 17th century. Length 1 foot 8-1/2 inches, width 1 foot 3-1/2 inches. Presented by the Rev. R. Brooke.

877. '64.

Cushion-cover, white linen embroidered with running pattern and scroll ornament, yellow silk; cipher in centre. English, 17th century. Length 1 foot 5-1/2 inches, width 1 foot 2 inches. Presented by the Rev. R. Brooke.

878. '64.

Piece of Brocade, white silk and gold in narrow stripes. French (?), 18th century. Length 10 feet 4 inches, width 2 feet 2 inches. Presented by the Rev. R. Brooke.

879. '64.

Table-cover, crimson Genoa velvet with broad border of silver gimp, Indian (Delhi) work. Length 5 feet 2 inches, width 5 feet 2 inches. Presented by the Rev. R. Brooke.

880. '64.

Saddle-cloth, dark blue Genoa velvet, ornamented with broad bands of flowered gold lace; trappings for the horse of H. Osbaldeston, Esq., High Sheriff of Yorkshire, A.D. 1772-3. Length 4 feet 5 inches, width 1 foot 8-1/2 inches. Presented by the Rev. R. Brooke.