Page:Thaïs - English translation.djvu/139

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existence of an only God — in whom, for my part, I fervently believe?"

Marcus. Yes, venerable brethren, I believe in an only God, not begotten — the only Eternal, the origin of all things.

Nicias. We know, Marcus, that your God created the world. That must certainly have been a great crisis in His existence. He had already existed an eternity before He could make up His mind to it. But I must, in justice, confess that His situation was a most difficult one. He must continue inactive if He would remain perfect, and must act if He would prove to Himself His own existence. You assure me that He decided to act. I am willing to believe you, although it was an unpardonable imprudence on the part of a perfect God. But tell us, Marcus, how He set about making the world.

Marcus. Those who, without being Christians, possess, like Hermodorus and Zenothemis, the principles of knowledge, are aware that God did not create the world personally without an intermediary. He gave birth to an only Son, by whom all things were made.

Hermodorus. That is quite true, Marcus; and this Son is worshipped under the various names of Hermes, Mithra, Adonis, Apollo, and Jesus.

Marcus. I should not be a Christian if I gave Him any other names than those of Jesus, Christ,