Page:Thaïs - English translation.djvu/251

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By FREDERIC CHAPMAN A QUEEN OF INDISCRETIONS : THE TRAGEDY OF CAROLINE OF BRUNSWICK, QUEEN OF ENGLAND. Translated from the Italian of G. P. Clerici by Frederic Chapman. With numerous Illustrations reproduced from Contemporary Portraits, Prints, &c. Demy 8vo, Price One Guinea net. Guardian. — " There is a great deal that is cew and still more that is in- teresting in ' A Queen of Indiscretions,' which may fairly be described as the joint production of Mr. Frederic Chapman and Signor Graziano Clerici. . . . Mr. Chapman's introduction is excellent reading." Scotsman. — " Mr. Chapman furnishes the Italian work with a long introduction not less interesting or instructive than Profes=or Clerici's own study, yet tending, nevertheless, to support a conviction of the Queen's innocence." Globe. — " Mr, Frederic Chapman has performed admirably his duty as a translator." Daily Telegraph. — " Mr. Chapman contributes an uncommonly full and well- informed introduction to supplement and explain the Italian original." Morning Post. — " Professor Clerici'; book and Mr. Chapman's introduction will stand as the most complete inquiry into Caroline's afEairs that has yet been published." ARCHITECTURAL REMAINS OF RICH- MOND, TWICKENHAM, KEW, PETERSHAM AND MORTLAKE. By Frederic Chapman. With Twenty- four Full-page Lithographs by Thomas R. Way. Demy 4to. Price One Guinea net. Studio. — "Were it not that Mr. Chapman's literary contribution is so well written and full of interesting information, we should be tempted to cut out for framing purposes two or three of the drawings ; but, under existing con- ditions, to spoil the book would be little short of sacrilege." Standard. — " It is a delightful volume . . . Mr. Chapman's notes are well done and full of interest." Daily Chronicle. — "The book is one that all lovers of old London audits suburbs should possess. The historical facts and innumerable associations, literary and otherwise, that add so much to the attraction of these old places, are carefully and briefly given in the accompanying notes by Mr. Frederic Chapman." ANCIENT ROYAL PALACES IN AND NEAR LONDON. By Frederic Chapman. With Twenty-four Lithographs by Thomas R. Way. Demy 8vo. Price One Guinea net. Studio. — " Not the least valuable portion of the book is the text by Mr. Chapman. All available sources of information seem to have been most care- fully ex.imlned by the writer, and he has so condensed his information as to make his work eminently readable and instructive." Athenaum. — " A word of praise may be given to Mr. Chapman's notes, which are adequate and to the point." Manchester Guardian. — "A great mass of historical material has been pre- »erved, and Mr. Chapman is to be commended lor the skill and judgment with which he has drawn upon it for his notes."