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SECOND EDITION ORTHODOXY By GILBERT K. CHESTERTON Uniform with " Heretics " Crown 8vo. 5s. net PRESS OPINIONS JVestminster Gazette, — "Of such verve and spirit that we are carried along before we know where we are going, but always — essentially — in the right direction. Behind it is a fine and buoyant spirit, as well as an intelligence that really illuminates," Manchester Guardian. — " Mr, Chesterton has put the whole force of his character and intellect into the book," Daily Ne'ws. — "Mr. Chesterton's masterpiece." Pall Mall Gazette. — " Some of the sanest writing Mr. Chesterton has yet done. In effect Mr. Chesterton is a preacher .... All who would join in the search for reality can find help in this volume." Daily Telegraph. — "Full of freshness and individuality, of a daring directness, and marked throughout by a neatness of statement." Nation. — "What Carlyle would have called a real book or Bible, worthy to be set alongside of ' Sartor Resartus,' as a defence of the faith. It is, indeed, a far more satisfactory Bible than Carlyle's, for with equal earnestness and far more genuine humanity, it upholds a much more definite creed. . . . Will rank as an astonishing achievement, and may come to be regarded as an important modern bulwark of the faith." Outlook. — "A brilliant book. ... A book inspired throughout with an inherent originality which glorifies it, and with an obvious sincerity which justifies it. Mr. Chesterton's book will stimulate the intellect of every intelligent reader. Many of his sayings are a joy to the mind, and his analyses of the differences between Christianity and other religions is a continual pleasure from the force and originality of the imagery." Obier-ver. — "This is the record of Mr. Chesterton's spiritual develop- ments." Tatler. — "'Orthodoxy' abounds in Chestertonian cleverness and insight. Those who read Mr, Chesterton should take their coats off." Athenaum. — "This book belongs to a form of journalism which the present reviewer does not remember to have encountered before — journalism about the chief end of man." T. P.'j Weekly. — "Mr. Chesterton's 'Orthodoxy' has long been expected, and it will be read by a wide circle with great interest."