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Time. — Crook the forefinger of right "G" hand and with the tip end tap the back of the left "S" hand. XIV, 268. Or, (2) Upon the palm of the left open hand held edgewise pointing outward, describe a circle with the right "T" hand. Period of time. — Hold out the open left hand palm up and pointing outward; pass the right "G" hand along the length of the left palm. XIV ; 269. Time (a short period of). — Place the right "H" hand, pointing outward, across the left "B" hand held in front pointing toward the right; with a scraping motion move it back and forth along the top of the forefinger of the left hand. Day. — Hold the right "G" hand out, pointing away from the body toward the right side, the arm held straight from the elbow; place the open left hand against the arm near the elbow and holding it there turn the right arm with the elbow as a pivot toward the left and describe a semi-circle with the right hand. When the right hand comes to rest it should be near the left arm pointing to the elbow. Sometimes the sign is made the other way, by placing the right hand near the left elbow, as in the last position, first and moving it from left to right. XIV, 270. Note : Any part of the day may be indicated by stopping the hand in the sign when it points at the position of the sun at the designated time, as the hand is supposed to represent the course of the sun. Night. — Place the hands and arms in position as if about to sign for "day" but move the hand down and describe a semi-circle below the arm from right to left, thus representing the course of the sun during the period of time from set of sun to its rising. Morning. — Extend the right arm as in day, but Avith the open hand palm up; place the edge of the left open hand upon the forearm near the elbow. Or, (2) Instead of placing the left hand so far back place it on the wrist. XIV, 271.