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Muskmelon. — "Thump" as above; then along the back of the left open hand draw the thumb and forefinger, an inch apart, to indicate the ridges along the side of the muskmelon. Pumpkin. — "Thump" as above and add "yellow" (see above). Cabbage. — Strike the sides of the head with the wrists of the "A" hands, one on either side. XVI, 321. Turnip. — Kub the nail side of the thumb of the right "A" hand in the center of the palm of the open left hand. Molasses. — Draw the forefinger of the right "G" hand across the width of the mouth from left to right (knuckle to end). Gum. — Crook the forefinger of the right "G" hand and place the crook of the joint at the corner of the mouth and pull it down and repeat the motion several times, the mouth making a chewing motion also. Beer, Drinker, Drunkard. (Including intoxicating drink.) — Throw the right "Y" hand against the mouth, end of thumb striking the mouth. The same sign repeated indicates one is addieted to drink. By adding "-er, " the sign becomes "drunk- ard." XVI, 322. Wine. — Rub the right "W" hand against the cheek. Vinegar. — Strike the mouth with the forefinger side of the right "V" hand. Egg. — Cross the fingers of the "H" hands in front of you; drop them and let the hands fall apart. It is better to strike the top fingers against the bottom as if cracking the shell.