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the ends of the thumbs of open hands, palms down, and work the hands as the wings of a butterfly. XVII, 338. Worm. — Wriggle the forefinger of the right "G" hand on left palm to represent motion of worm in crawling. XVII, 339. Rat. — Bub the "R" hands upward across the side of the nose, or use both "R" hands in the same way. XVII, 340. Mouse. — Rub the end of the forefinger of the right "G" hand in the same way as above in "rat," or use both fore- fingers. Bee. — Place the end of the forefinger of the right "G" hand against the right cheek; then remove and brush the open hand, edge against the cheek, outward. Fly. — Make motion with the right hand on. left arm as of reaching out and catching a fly off the table or in the air. Spider. — Cross the hands, fingers pointing outward, and clasp the little fingers ; work the fingers like the legs of a spider, extending the hands forward the while. XVII, 341. Insect. — Place the thumbs of the open hands, end to end, palm down and fingers pointing outward, and, bending the ends of the fingers, work them like the legs of an insect. Note : The diminutive of animals is indicated by preceding or following the sign for the particular animal by that for "baby" (folding the arms across and indicating action of holding a baby). Specifically "Bull," and by inference the male of animals, is indicated by rubbing the "A" hand in a circle on the fore- head, the fingers against the head. Or use the "bent" hand with finger ends against the forehead, the same way. Fish. — Extend the right "B" hand in front straight out from the waist, or a little above it ; then place the end of the left open hand at right angles against the wrist of the right, and then wiggle the right hand from the wrist as if it were the tail of a fish. XVII, 342.