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God.—Elevating the right "G" hand, point it outward, then draw it backward and downward toward self; the end then points up toward heaven. Some use whole open hand. XIX, 353.

Lord.—Place the right "L" hand up near the left shoulder and carry it diagonally down to the other side of the body near the waist; then finish with sign for "rule," i. e., move the right open hand, extended at arm's length in front from the side, over the left, bringing the left hand up against the body. XIX, 354.

Heaven.—Both "B" hands touch at the ends in front and somewhat elevated on a level with the head; draw them apart toward the sides; bring the left hand back, twisting it so as to leave the palm outward and pass right open hand under left, turning it upward, and raise it until it shows above the left hand.

Christ.—With the "5" hands in front, pointing outward, palm toward palm, bend the middle finger of the right hand toward the left, and strike the center of the left palm with it; withdraw it and repeat the motion with the left hand against the right. Note that the fingers thus striking the center of the palm indicate the nails driven in our Saviour's hands. XIX, 355.

Priest.—Place the ends of the forefingers of the "G" hands, one at either side near the shoulder; draw them down held against the body until they reach just above the waist-line, then draw them toward the center till they meet. XIX, 358. Or,

(2) Placing the "4" hand against the breast, palm to self and fingers pointing up, draw down nearly to waist; place hand again at breast, but fingers pointing toward the left, then draw across breast to the right.

Devil.—Place the ends of the thumbs of the "3" hands at side of the head, the forefingers and middle fingers pointing outward; bend and unbend the fingers, indicating the supposed horns of his Satanic majesty. XIX, 359.