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Button 63 Buy 49 By 107


Cabbage 91 Cabinet-maker 64 Cake 88 Calculate 114 California 105 Call 41 Calm 35 Camel 93 Camp 63 Can 38 Canada 105 Candlemas 119 Can't 14, 38 Captain 66 Cardinal 120 Careful 50, 73 Careless 73 Carpenter 64 Carriage 47 Carry 45 Cars 46 Cat 92 Catch 45 Catechism 120 Catholic 101 Cause 56 Centre 86 Chair Ill Change 50 Chapel 102 Character 43 Charity 120 Chase 50 Cheap 76 Check 55 Cheerful 24 Cheese 87 Chicago 105 Chicken 92 China 105 Choose 40 Christ 100 Christian 102 Christmas 120 Church 102, 120 City ...' 110 Clean 76 Clear 68, 96 Climb 45 Clouds 97 Close 60 Cock 93 Coffee S8 Cold 31 College 40 Collide 54 Color 77 Come 53 Command s 58 Commence 39 Commend 38 Communion 120 Compare 62 Complete 57 Conceived 120 Condense 60 Conduct 57 Confess 42 Confession 120 Confidence 32 Confirmation 120 Confused 30, 44 Confusion 57 Congratulate 38 Connect 59 Conscience 112 Consider 39 Contempt 27 Contented 29 Contest 58 Continue 53 Contribute 51 Contrition 120 Control 52 Conversation 36 Convey 45 Cook 64 Copy 49 Corn 88 Correct 37, 74 Country 113 Courage 71 Courteous 74