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thumb is left at the end of the jaw near the chin and the fingers opened.

Son.—Sign for "male;" then rest the hand on the left forearm or wrist, palms of both hands up. III, 36.

Daughter.—Sign for "female;" then same as in "son."

Grandfather.—Sign for "father;" then with a slight twisting motion, raise both hands the second time and a little higher as if to represent a generation up. III, 39.

Grandmother.—Sign for "woman;" then bring hands in position as for "grandfather."

Brother.—Sign for "man;" then bring both hands together in front of you, the forefingers extended parallel, pointing outward, with the rest of the fingers closed. III, 37.

Sister.—Sign for "woman;" then same as "brother." III, 38.

Father-in-Law.—Sign for "father" and then "law." "Law" is signed as follows: Hold left hand in front of you perpendicularly, fingers together, extended parallel, pointing; throw the forefinger of the right "G" hand against the palm of the left. III, 40.

Mother-in-law.—"Mother" and "law."

Brother-in-law.—"Brother" and "law."

Sister-in-law.—"Sister" and "law."

Uncle.—Place the letter "U" at the side of the head, near the temple, and draw it downward the least bit with a wavy motion.

Aunt.—Place letter "A" opposite jaw as when making sign for "woman" but not touching; then same motion as in "uncle."

Cousin (male).—Letter "C" side of head as in "uncle;" give same motion.

Cousin (female).—Letter "C" same position as for "aunt" and give same motion.

Nephew.—Letter "N" in front of forehead and same motion.

Niece.—Letter "N" at side of right jaw and same motion.

Baby.—Indicate with arms the act of holding or swinging a baby in the arms.

Marry.—Clasp the palms of the hands together. III, 41.

Husband.—Sign for "male;" then "marry."

Wife—Sign for "female;" then "marry."

Note: The idea of celibacy is indicated by "no marriage" or "old one." Bachelor is signed by making sign for "male"