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Intend, Mean, Purpose.—Touch forehead with forefinger; then bring hand down and place the ends of the fingers of the "V" hand against palm of extended left; lift "U" hand off and twist it around, bringing the ends back to the palm but with positions reversed; the left hand may be slightly twisted around in an opposite way. VI, 128.

Propose, Offer.—With extended hands close to you in front, lift them out and forward as in the act of offering something to some one.

Correct, Find fault.—Touch the tip of the forefinger of "G" hand on tip of tongue and then proceed to scratch or cross out an imaginary something on the palm of the left extended hand.

Criticise.—With the forefinger of the right "G" hand mark a cross on the left open palm.

Find fault.—Draw the forefinger and thumb of right hand out of left "O" as if picking flaws out of one's character.

Refuse.—Hold the "S" hand out with elbow at side; jerk the whole arm back with a sudden motion.

Excuse, Forgive.—Place the end of the right extended hand in palm of left extended hand and move it along the length of the hand and beyond. In asking forgiveness or one's pardon the end of the right hand is rubbed back and forth in the same motion, in palm of the left. VI, 129.

Duty.—Hold the left "S" hand with back up and strike right "D" upon it two or three times.

"Have to," indicating Obligation.—Place both "S" hands with wrists one above the other as if bound; press them both downward together. VI, 130.

Must, indicating Necessity and Need.—Crook the forefinger of "G" hand, then turn it so the end points down; push the hand downward; the downward motion is often repeated several times.

Blame.—Place the "A" hand upon the back of the extended left thumb end up. To express the idea of accuse, while making the sign extend both hands toward the person who is blamed. To acknowledge oneself to blame, bring the sign toward you, placing the hands almost against the breast. Innocence is expressed by making the sign for "blame" and "not;" or, as usual, opening the hands and dropping them away from the position of the sign. VI, 131.

Ridicule, Make fun of, etc.—Extend the little and forefinger of each hand; hold the left hand in front toward the side;