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Ask, prefer a request.—Place hands together in front, palms together and ends pointing outward; draw hands toward self and partly down, giving hands a more perpendicular position. VII, 142.

Pray.—Position of hands same as in preceding, but pointed upward in usual attitude of prayer; draw toward self twice or thrice.

Supplication.—Clasp fingers of right hand over "A" left; extend upward toward heaven and draw earnestly toward you. The same idea is expressed by clasping the hands, fingers locked, and making same motion.

Question, To ask a question, To "quiz," etc.—With forefinger of "G" hand, palm side down, move toward imaginary person and crook and uncrook it (imitating the motion of a worm), repeating the motion several times. VII, 143.

Examination is sometimes expressed by making sign with both hands and all the fingers extended, and hands thrown forward as if "charging."

Call, Attract the attention of.—Hold open left hand out in front, palm down and back slightly toward self; strike the back with the open right hand and then beckon toward self. VII, 144.

Warn.—Sign for "call" and then hold up finger in warning attitude.

Name.—Extend "H" or "G" hands, throwing the right hand fingers crosswise against the left, lifting them and letting fall several times. To indicate the action of naming any one, or to express that he is called so and so, place the fingers crosswise as described, then keeping them in that position, raise both hands and extend toward object or person named.

Promise.—Place forefinger of right "G" hand perpendicularly against mouth; bring hand down and strike it (open) against palm of left. Or,

(2) In nature of an oath—Place forefinger of "G" hand held perpendicularly against lips and then bring hand up as in taking an oath. VII, 145.

Advise, Advice, etc.—Place end of right "&" hand on back of left open hand held up in front of you; lift it away as if taking up something with thumb and fingers, and move toward imaginary person and open the hand as if throwing what it might contain toward the person. VII, 146.