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Song, Poem.—Hold open left hand out, palm toward you; with open right hand pointing toward and at right angles to it, wave it back and forth several times. VII, 154.

Music.—Raise right forefinger to ear; move both hands, palm down, out toward one side, with vibrating motion; wave right open hand back and forth before palm of left hand.

Picture.—Draw "C" or crooked forefinger downward against the face, and then for Photograph, the same, holding open left hand up, place "C" against the palm, or just touch the bridge of the nose with "C" hand and place on palm as before. VII, 155.

Incline, Disposed to.—Touch the heart with the bent finger of the right "5" hand (as in "feel"), then extend the left open hand toward the left and bring the right open hand just back of it also pointing toward the left; carry both hands toward the left, thus indicating the inclination of one's feelings.

Reason.—Place the right "R" hand against the center of the forehead and give it a twisting turn without moving it from its position.

Religion.—Place the right "R" hand against the heart, then raise heavenward.

Character.—Place the right "C" hand against the heart and draw it out a little; or, make the sign for "spirit" and then with the two "A" hands indicate the outlines of the human form.

Fool, Hoax.—Place the crooked forefinger of the right "G" hand on the nose and give it a pull downward, bringing the head down a little. VII, 156.

History.—Begin making the sign for "happen" over the right shoulder and continue making it while the hands are brought down from the shoulder to the front of the body. The sign for "happen" is made as follows: Place the "G" hands parallel in front, thumb up, and twist both at the same time inward, bringing the thumb down. In carrying the hands up to the shoulder to make the sign they will not be exactly in this position, as they will point back and gradually be brought down and into the position as described.

Scold.—Hold the forefinger of the right "G" hand up warningly and, resting the right forearm near the elbow on the left hand, shake it at the imaginary culprit.