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hand knock it down. Or, hold up left hand similarly and knock down. The former sign carries a suggestion of malice or vindictiveness. IX, 200.

Subtract, Take away from, also denoting Absence or Deficiency.—Hold open left hand with palm toward self; throw the ends of the fingers of the other hand with a scratching motion downward against the palm of left, drawing it down and away from the hand as if taking off something.

Add, Increase.—Place the "&" hands, one on other, fingers meeting; let the right hand rise and fall against the left, lifting both up meanwhile.

Cause, Effect, Produce.—Hold the "A" hands up toward the right shoulder, thumbs pointing outward; carry the hands diagonally across in front of you and open fingers to make a motion of emptying the hands. IX, 201.

To bear, Bring forth, Be born.—Place the open hands near the body, one palm against back of the other, palms toward self and slightly upward; push the hands outward. To indicate bearing fruit, push right "5" hand up through left, closed over it, and let it then drop on the left hand.

Power, Strength.—Hold out the fists in front from the sides, elbows at sides; lift the fists toward the right, and throw them over the left with a circular or swinging motion and bring them down; keep them in the same relative position as to distance and direction of motion all the time.

Weakness.—Place ends of "V" standing in palm of hand; bend the fingers so the hand falls toward the palm.

Influence, Cause, Effect by force or persuasion.—Place the "A" hands out a little, thumbs pointing upward, one well in front and the other behind but off at one side; turn the hands so that the thumbs finally point outward, moving both hands simultaneously. IX, 202.

Influence, by example.—Hold "A" (left) in front, thumb up; place end of "&" hand on end of thumb, then push it out and away, diverging the fingers at the same time. IX, 203.

Urge.—Hold out the "A" hands, thumbs pointing out and the crook in forefinger pushing out somewhat; push the hands out and draw back quickly, repeating the motion several times.

Trade, Substitute, Exchange for.—Place the "A" hands in front, one directly behind the other, thumbs pointing up, one